SGS is committed to providing a safe environment for both our staff and our patients. The pandemic has rapidly changed how we live our daily lives and has had an enormous impact on the provision of essential services, including medical services. It is vital that if you are unwell, you can be appropriately assessed and treated although there have been some significant changes to how we practise.
SGS has taken a number of precautions to reduce the chance of transmission of COVID-19 for our patients or staff while they visit the practice. If you are unwell, have COVID infection or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, you must follow the government guidelines around isolating and repeat testing, before attending the practice. We endeavour to restrict the number of patients in the practice at one time and may request that you wait for your appointment in your car. Magazines will not be available to read. Prior to entering our rooms, you will need to sanitise your hands and ensure you wear a face mask while inside the rooms.
SGS is able to facilitate telehealth appointments if you are isolating or prefer not to attend in person. We offer phone consultations with or without video. If you wish to proceed with a video telehealth, you will be emailed a link prior to your consultation and you will need a computer or phone with camera and audio capability. The consultation will take the usual amount of time. Please ensure that you are in a quiet room without distractions. You can also have a support person with you. Any referral or test results should be forwarded to the office either by email, fax or post, prior to your appointment. If you do not have electronic equipment to facilitate a video appointment, please request a face to face appointment or we can do a phone consultation.
For phone and video consultations during this period, we will be charging the lower pensioner rate and pensioners will be bulk billed.
Given the rapidly changing recommendations, our phone lines are often busy answering enquiries. Please be patient and if you are struggling to get through, feel free to email your enquiry to If you do not receive an email reply, please follow up your enquiry with a phone call so we can assist you in a timely manner.
At this time, it is so important that everyone ensures they reduce their risk of severe COVID infection by following government advice around vaccinations. GESA, the gastrointestinal society in Australia, releases advice on COVID vaccines and their recommendations around vacations for patients with chronic gastrointestinal illnesses.